NOVAR 2400 R09 4 - reactive power controller

NOVAR 2400 R09 4 - reactive power controller NOVAR 2400 R09 4 - reactive power controller NOVAR 2400 R09 4 - reactive power controller +1

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NOVAR 2400 R09 4 - reactive power controller

NOVAR 2400 R09 4 reactive power controller 90 - 275 V AC, 9 stages (9 relays), 3f metering, separate power supply, power meter, RS-485 ,USB service port. Controllers are fully automatic devices that monitor the condition of the LV/LV distribution ...
NOVAR 2400 R09 4 reactive power controller 90 - 275 V AC, 9 stages (9 relays), 3f metering, separate power supply, power meter, RS-485 ,USB service port. Controllers are fully automatic devices that monitor the condition of the LV/LV distribution network and, based on fast and accurate calculations, connect or disconnect individual compensation or decompensation stages (capacitors, decompression inductors) to achieve the desired power factor.
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413,87 € excl. VAT
500,78 € incl. VAT

Objednací číslo: N2400R094

The NOVAR 2400 is a new model of the innovated NOVAR 2xxx PFC line. It builds on powerful modern platform shared among other PFC and PQ instruments and offers fast three-phase measurement and control combined with multi-functional panel meter.

Fast Ethernet with web server, modbus, SNTP and other features and RS-485 serial line can be used to remotely control and supervise the compensation cabinet. Manipulation with instrument data and configurations can be restricted only to authorized users and all Ethernet communication can be optionally secured by encryption.

NOVAR 2400 shares its key features and parameters with NOVAR 2100/2200 and NOVAR 2600 controllers.

Key features

  • panel mount version, size 144x144 mm
  • up to 18 outputs, Relay or Transistor (R09, R16, R18, T7R9, T9R9, T16, T18)
  • measures and controls power factor and other quantities in each line
  • supports both low and high voltage applications (direct or VT connection)
  • support for all possible combinations of single-, two- and three-phase capacitors and chokes
  • combined mains compensation & decompensation capability
  • evaluation of total harmonic distortion (THD) level by up to the 50-th harmonic
  • embedded four quadrant active and reactive energy meter class 0.5S and data logger
  • fully configurable alarm or cooling/heating control relay
Reléový výstup 9
Napájecí napětí 90 - 275 V AC, oddělené
Citlivost 2 mA
Kategorie přepětí III - do 300V DC
Požadovaný účiník 0,8 ind. ÷ 0,8 kap.
Komunikační rozhraní RS-485, USB
Šířka [mm] 144
Hloubka [mm] 80
Výška [mm] 144
Hmotnost v [g] 700
Montáž Panel
Software NE
Protokoly Modbus RTU
Relativní vlhkost 5 až 100 %
Nastavení hodnot stupňů automatické nebo ruční
Nastavení způsobu připojení automatické nebo ruční
Rozsah měřené teploty/přesnost -30 ÷ 60 °C, ± 5 °C
Provozní teplota -40.. +60 °C
Stupeň krytí zadní panel - IP20, čelní panel - IP40 (případně IP54)