NOVAR 1206 - reactive power controller

NOVAR 1206 - reactive power controller NOVAR 1206 - reactive power controller

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NOVAR 1206 - reactive power controller

NOVAR 1206 - reactive power controller 90 - 275 V AC, 6 relay outputs, power factor 0.8 ind. - 0.8 kap. temperature measurement, fan control, sensitivity 2 mA, front panel installation, 144 x 144 mm. The controllers are fully automatic devices that ...
NOVAR 1206 - reactive power controller 90 - 275 V AC, 6 relay outputs, power factor 0.8 ind. - 0.8 kap. temperature measurement, fan control, sensitivity 2 mA, front panel installation, 144 x 144 mm. The controllers are fully automatic devices that monitor the condition of the LV/LV distribution network and, based on fast and accurate calculations, connect or disconnect individual compensation or decompensation stages (capacitors, decompression inductors) to achieve the desired power factor.
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269,55 € excl. VAT
326,16 € incl. VAT

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Order number: N1206

NOVAR 1206 and NOVAR 1214 power factor controllers are fully automatic instruments. It features separated power supply terminal for projects with specific AC or DC power supply requirements, battery backups etc. It also offers input for an external second tariff control signal.

It features a precise voltage and current measurement circuit with high accuracy of both true RMS values of voltage and current as well as accurate power factor measurement. The built-in temperature sensor measures the temperature inside the distribution board cabinet.

The instrument’s installation is fully automatic. The controller detects both the connection configuration and the value of each compensation section connected. Entering these parameters manually at a later stage is also possible.

Key features

  • panel version NOVAR 1206 or 1214, installation size 144x144 mm
  • measuring voltage input separated from power supply input
  • up to 14 outputs and 1 alarm relay
  • input for 2nd tariff
  • optional RS-485 serial line for remote setup and control
  • optional supply voltage up to 500 V (/S400 models)
  • automatic setup and simple configuration
  • precise measurement and control functions under distortion
  • evaluation of total harmonic distortion
  • evaluation of current harmonic load for capacitor protection
  • built-in temperature sensor
  • optional alarm or cooling/heating control relay
Reléový výstup 6
Napájecí napětí 90 - 275 V AC, oddělené
Citlivost 2 mA
Kategorie přepětí III - do 300V DC
Požadovaný účiník 0,8 ind. ÷ 0,8 kap.
Komunikační rozhraní BEZ
Šířka [mm] 144
Hloubka [mm] 80
Výška [mm] 144
Hmotnost v [g] 700
Montáž Panel
Software NE
Protokoly BEZ
Relativní vlhkost 5 až 100 %
Nastavení hodnot stupňů automatické nebo ruční
Nastavení způsobu připojení automatické nebo ruční
Rozsah měřené teploty/přesnost -30 ÷ 60 °C, ± 5 °C
Provozní teplota -40.. +60 °C
Stupeň krytí zadní panel - IP20, čelní panel - IP40 (případně IP54)