CSADG-0,44/12,5-HD Compensation capacitor Heavy Duty

CSADG-0,44/12,5-HD Compensation capacitor Heavy Duty CSADG-0,44/12,5-HD Compensation capacitor Heavy Duty

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CSADG-0,44/12,5-HD Compensation capacitor Heavy Duty

CSADG-0,44/12,5-HD Compensation capacitor 12,5 kVAr /440 V, Cylindrical aluminum self-healing, dry - gas filled. Ø 85 x 245, 3 x 69 (μF).
46,57 € excl. VAT
56,35 € incl. VAT

Order number: CSADG-0,44/12,5-HD

Three phase power capacitors, selfhealing,dry - gas filled

These capacitors are designed for operation in demanding conditions where high overload values can be expected: voltage, current (harmonics), temperature. It offers an ideal solution for detuned capacitor banks with harmonic reactors, which are installed in the above-mentioned demanding operations.

Heavy Duty capacitors are characterized by long life, resistance to voltage and current overload, as well as exposure to high temperatures. The declared values significantly exceed the requirements of IEC 60831 standards.

Safety is ensured by using an overpressure disconnector that disconnects the capacitor in all 3 phases.

Imax: 2 x IN

Lifetime: > 150 000 h

Temperature category: -40/D (max 60°C)

Dry-type: gas filling

Note: * Maximum current for 48 hours continuous operation with relation to highest mean ambient temperature of 45°C over period of 24 h.

ZEZ SILKO is a leading Czech manufacturer of power capacitors and compensation devices. Their capacitors are mainly used for:

  • Reactive power compensation: This increases the efficiency of the power grid and reduces losses.
  • Higher harmonic filtering: these harmonics can arise in networks with non-linear loads (e.g. frequency converters) and can cause various problems such as overheating of conductors, radio signal interference, etc.
  • Power factor increase: This leads to more efficient use of electricity and lower costs.
  • Voltage stabilization: reactive power compensation helps to keep the grid voltage at a stable level.
  • Reduction of grid losses: lower losses mean lower electricity distribution costs.
  • Equipment protection: Compensation capacitors can protect electrical equipment from the damaging effects of higher harmonics.

Overpressure disconnector function

Dimensional drawing of capacitors

Kompenzační výkon Qc při 400 V 10 kVAr
Kompenzační výkon Qc při 440V 12,5 kVar
Jmenovité napětí 440 V
Kapacita CN [µF] 3 x 69
Průměr Ø [mm] 85
Výška [mm] 245
Hmotnost v [g] 1200
Životnost kondenzátoru > 150 000 hodin (závislé na provozních podmínkách)
Typ kondenzátoru Válcový - hliníkový plášť samoregenerační,suché - plněné plynem
Kapacitní tolerance -5...+10%
Efektivní ztráty [W] cca 0,4 W / kvar
Vybíjecí odpory vestavěné 75 V / 3 min (50 V / 1 min do 30 kvar)
Stupeň krytí IP20
Povolené teploty -40/D (60 °C), ** -40/C
Impregnant / náplň inertní plyn N2 nebo polotuhý gel (50 kvar)
Max. relativní vlhkost 95 %
Max. přípustný proud 1,5 x IN nepřetržitě, 2 x IN kratší dobu*
Max. nárazový proud 400 x In
Jištění třípojistkový přetlakový odpojovač
Upevnění A
Chlazení přirozené vzduchem nebo nucené